Wednesday, March 7, 2012


When it rains it pours.  I though everything was making a turn for the better until today.  I go to start my newly-fixed car to take C. to the park.  Today was one of those days you just gotta get out of the house.  Our sanity was at stake.  Car starts, sweet.  I notice a *service stabilitrak system* error, but quickly ignore it figuring it has to do with my traction control and therefore no biggie.  WRONG!  Apparently I have lost my power steering.  For those of you who don"t know what this is, very simply put I  can only go forward and backwards, in order for me to turn the steering wheel a teensy bit it takes every once of strength I have.  So no park.  Try explaining to a super excited toddler that mommies car is broke and we have to stay home.  Oh the tantrum of all tantrums.  And not just C., I was throwing one on the inside, trying as hard as I could to hold my shit together.  I cried.  Yes, I cried because I couldn't take my son to the park.  Long story short (and many tears for both of us) later, my best friend D. ended up stopping by and bringing us out to lunch!  It was exactly what we needed to not give up entirely on today.  I googled my problem and apparently you are not supposed to jump and equinox, or use yours to jump another car.  It blows a mega fuse which aren't even carried by dealers, gotta special order that bad boy.  Who thought a car that you couldn't jump was a good idea?  No wonder we had such a hard time getting to the battery when we were working on it over the weekend.  So now my poor younger brother has to come stay with us tonight so he can babysit while I drive his car to my Dr. appt tomorrow.  And we  were planning on taking the kids to take pictures in the daffodil field tomorrow, now that isnt going to happen, OR our planting flowers playdate on Friday.  As if this isn't bad enough I am in the middle of homework when my calculator dies.  Like really dies, not just batteries people.  Now I'm on a frantic search to find one I can borrow for the rest of the semester, and I need it to take a test tomorrow!  I sure hope C. is in a not quite so bitchy mood when he wakes up from nap, I really can't handle the attitude this afternoon.....

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