Friday, March 2, 2012

Why Me?

So today was supposed to be a good day.  We have been under the weather and sticking close to home all week and have a horrible case of cabin fever.  This morning I KNEW we had to get out of this house for our sanity.  I texted my sister and asked if she minded some visitors... C really needed some time playing with his cousins (L, 10 days older than him, and R., soon to be 4).  Also found out her sis in law, one of my favorite people ever B. is in town too.  All excited I load up the car and try to turn it on.... nothing.  Well this is annoying, try to take my keys out and they are stuck in the ignition.  I try EVERYTHING and they refuse to budge.  I call my husband who talks to all the manly men he works with and decide to try tightening the wires to my battery.  Pop the hood, no battery.  Confused (and getting highly pissed) I look in my owners manual to discover I have what is referred to as a "maintenance free battery" whatever the hell that means, regardless there isn't actually a battery i can get to, but a single "positive charge post" in case i need a jump.  Well, at this time a realtor pulls up next door to take pictures of the house next to ours and I get some help.  My car wouldn't jump either. NOTHING.  So I search the almighty google just to find out that this is a big issue with chevy SUV's and more than likely I will have to have it towed to a dealership for them to replace my ignition system.. why has there not been  a recall????  Ugh, so much for saving our tax refund.  So now we are stuck at the house, in desperate need of groceries (and sanity but oh well) driving each other nuts.  For lunch we scrounged up rice cakes, peanut butter, and raisins.... yummo, lol.  On the bright side I did finish my FAFSA today.  Only one more week left in the Challenge, who knows if I will blog after, I really started to because it is one of the requirements... it is nice to get shit off my chest though.  Only time will tell......

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