Wednesday, March 7, 2012


When it rains it pours.  I though everything was making a turn for the better until today.  I go to start my newly-fixed car to take C. to the park.  Today was one of those days you just gotta get out of the house.  Our sanity was at stake.  Car starts, sweet.  I notice a *service stabilitrak system* error, but quickly ignore it figuring it has to do with my traction control and therefore no biggie.  WRONG!  Apparently I have lost my power steering.  For those of you who don"t know what this is, very simply put I  can only go forward and backwards, in order for me to turn the steering wheel a teensy bit it takes every once of strength I have.  So no park.  Try explaining to a super excited toddler that mommies car is broke and we have to stay home.  Oh the tantrum of all tantrums.  And not just C., I was throwing one on the inside, trying as hard as I could to hold my shit together.  I cried.  Yes, I cried because I couldn't take my son to the park.  Long story short (and many tears for both of us) later, my best friend D. ended up stopping by and bringing us out to lunch!  It was exactly what we needed to not give up entirely on today.  I googled my problem and apparently you are not supposed to jump and equinox, or use yours to jump another car.  It blows a mega fuse which aren't even carried by dealers, gotta special order that bad boy.  Who thought a car that you couldn't jump was a good idea?  No wonder we had such a hard time getting to the battery when we were working on it over the weekend.  So now my poor younger brother has to come stay with us tonight so he can babysit while I drive his car to my Dr. appt tomorrow.  And we  were planning on taking the kids to take pictures in the daffodil field tomorrow, now that isnt going to happen, OR our planting flowers playdate on Friday.  As if this isn't bad enough I am in the middle of homework when my calculator dies.  Like really dies, not just batteries people.  Now I'm on a frantic search to find one I can borrow for the rest of the semester, and I need it to take a test tomorrow!  I sure hope C. is in a not quite so bitchy mood when he wakes up from nap, I really can't handle the attitude this afternoon.....

Monday, March 5, 2012


"I am the Lorax! I speak for the trees,
Which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please;
But I also speak for the brown Barbaloots,
Who frolicked and played in their Barbaloot suits,
Happily eating Truffula fruits.
Now, since you've chopped the trees to the ground
There's not enough Truffula fruit to go 'round!
And my poor Barbaloots are all feeling the crummies
Because they have gas, and no food, in their tummies."

 YES!  I got to see the Lorax this weekend.  YES I got to go with my mom and sister and niece.  YES it was everything I dreamed it would be plus some.  YES this is coming from the woman who insisted on a Dr. Seuss nursery way back in high school.  YES it felt amazing to get out and act like a kid without having to keep an eye on my own.  YES he stayed at home with his daddy and poppop and uncle and did manly things like fix my car and electrical problems around the house.  YES, I believe I truly have the best family ever.
No, I did not do great this weekend with my challenge goals.  No it does not feel good to over-indulge on your free day, it makes you sick.  No I did not have the will power to turn down the ice cream on Sunday, at least it was SF.  No I did not get any house work or homework done this weekend.  No, I am totally not prepared for this math test which I am getting ready to bomb magnificently.  No, we didn't care if it was cold and windy, we HAD to get outside and play this morning. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why Me?

So today was supposed to be a good day.  We have been under the weather and sticking close to home all week and have a horrible case of cabin fever.  This morning I KNEW we had to get out of this house for our sanity.  I texted my sister and asked if she minded some visitors... C really needed some time playing with his cousins (L, 10 days older than him, and R., soon to be 4).  Also found out her sis in law, one of my favorite people ever B. is in town too.  All excited I load up the car and try to turn it on.... nothing.  Well this is annoying, try to take my keys out and they are stuck in the ignition.  I try EVERYTHING and they refuse to budge.  I call my husband who talks to all the manly men he works with and decide to try tightening the wires to my battery.  Pop the hood, no battery.  Confused (and getting highly pissed) I look in my owners manual to discover I have what is referred to as a "maintenance free battery" whatever the hell that means, regardless there isn't actually a battery i can get to, but a single "positive charge post" in case i need a jump.  Well, at this time a realtor pulls up next door to take pictures of the house next to ours and I get some help.  My car wouldn't jump either. NOTHING.  So I search the almighty google just to find out that this is a big issue with chevy SUV's and more than likely I will have to have it towed to a dealership for them to replace my ignition system.. why has there not been  a recall????  Ugh, so much for saving our tax refund.  So now we are stuck at the house, in desperate need of groceries (and sanity but oh well) driving each other nuts.  For lunch we scrounged up rice cakes, peanut butter, and raisins.... yummo, lol.  On the bright side I did finish my FAFSA today.  Only one more week left in the Challenge, who knows if I will blog after, I really started to because it is one of the requirements... it is nice to get shit off my chest though.  Only time will tell......

Thursday, March 1, 2012


oh thursday we meet again.  thursday is my favorite day of the week.  it is the one day when me and lil c (usually) have notta damn thing to do but snuggle and play all day. it is also pizza date night with the hubs.  since i've been on the challenge i've been making pizza instead of the usual frozen or pizza hut, and it is suprisingly yummy.  i use whole wheat pitas (not halved or opened mind you), a great sugar free organic sauce i found at fl, and 2% fat cheese.  for big c's i add pepperoni but no fatty goodness for me, at least not for a few more weeks.  i have loved this challenge so much.  after the first few days i really do not crave sugar near like i used to.  if i do need something sweet usually a piece of fruit and some pb does the trick, if not i make some no bakes (equal parts pb, oats, and raisins) to get me through it.  so anyways, we eat pizza, we also get desert on thursdays (challenge friendly sf jello or pudding with sf cool whip) and stay up late watching tv and giggling.  we are addicted to nbc's thursday night line up starting with 30 rock, parks and rec, the office, and up all night.  yes i realize this only goes on until 10 but that is late for me, i am usually crashing around 9. oh thurday, so glad to see you again....

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hump Day, We Meet Again....

Why do people insist they have the BEST in-laws who they love love LOVE......  It pisses me off, I guess I'm just bitter but UGH!  Please stop coming over, please stop calling, take a hint lady!  You know how you get pissed because you think everyone is out to get you?  Stop being so paranoid and maybe people will want to spend a little time with you.  On a happier note I found a recipe for the BEST whole wheat yogurt and blueberry muffins... They are super healthy, challenge friendly, and best of all I don't have to share because big C hates blueberries!  I do share with lil C though, he is my sidekick, it's me and him against the world, gotta share a few bites with him right :-)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(Insert witty title here)

Not much going on today.  C. REFUSED to be put into his stroller so no walk for us this morning, plus I have M. today so no walk this afternoon either....  I did manage to Zumba for awhile but it is a little difficult with a toddler hanging from your legs.  I hope C. starts feeling better soon because all this nose wiping is driving a wedge into our relationship.  As soon as a tissue appears screams of "nonono mama nooooooooo" precedes him wiping snot on ANYTHING but the tissue... his arm, my leg, the couch, etc.  Oh my do I love that little bugger.  Colds also bring out C's mortal enemy, his penguin nebulizer.    C. has asthma which is generally under control unless he gets sick.  Boy oh boy do we look forward to holding him down every 4 hours to force a treatment on him as he screeeeaaaaaams, I promise it is for your own good, breathing is really not a choice son.  We have an emergency inhaler for when the nebs are just not going to happen no way no how, but it really doesn't help him out the same way.  Ugh, I need coffee, lots and lots of coffee when the wee one is snuffling.  Well, back to what I should really be doing- homework!  I love procrastination :-)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, we meet again...

Why do weird things always happen to me on the day I hate the most?  This morning I was out for my morning walk when some dude in the neighborhood next to ours starts some small talk.  I.hate.smalltalk.  I.hate.strangers.  Sorry people, I feel awkward in situations like these.  Especially when I'm attempting to burn some calories and get my sweat on.  I waved and said good morning, why can't that be enough for you?  It's your fault if I was rude, I made many attempts to leave the conversation gracefully and you continued to talk, even when i was a BLOCK away.  Oh my.  Anyways.  So me and lil C. are both sick, thanks unnamed little girl who insisted on licking my son's sippy cup at playgroup last week.  Just head colds but it's makes life suck a little more.  Especially Mondays when you are approached by strangers asking if you got married before you had that baby.  Sorry, still bitter.  Then M's mom, texts me she needs me to keep her longer today (I babysit a few times a week)... love that girl but I feel like shit, still haven't payed me for last week either..... but I'm a sucker so of course I say yes.  On a totally different note me and big C. have decided to stop trying for a second baby right now.  It took much longer than originally planned (like you can actually plan these things, right?) so now because of school obligations we will have to wait until I am finished with this program.  Why oh why did I think I was smart enough to change careers and get a masters?  I hate that lil C. will be so much older than any siblings but I think this will also be better for him, he gets all of our attention now and will for a little longer.  He already has to share Mommy with school and Daddy with work, I don't think he would appreciate a baby in the picture too.  Well I must finish studying for my quiz tonight before M. shows up.  Maybe I'll make some muffins with the kiddos this afternoon, found a great whole wheat and oat blueberry recipe I'm dying to try.  Loving this 4 week challenge!