Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(Insert witty title here)

Not much going on today.  C. REFUSED to be put into his stroller so no walk for us this morning, plus I have M. today so no walk this afternoon either....  I did manage to Zumba for awhile but it is a little difficult with a toddler hanging from your legs.  I hope C. starts feeling better soon because all this nose wiping is driving a wedge into our relationship.  As soon as a tissue appears screams of "nonono mama nooooooooo" precedes him wiping snot on ANYTHING but the tissue... his arm, my leg, the couch, etc.  Oh my do I love that little bugger.  Colds also bring out C's mortal enemy, his penguin nebulizer.    C. has asthma which is generally under control unless he gets sick.  Boy oh boy do we look forward to holding him down every 4 hours to force a treatment on him as he screeeeaaaaaams, I promise it is for your own good, breathing is really not a choice son.  We have an emergency inhaler for when the nebs are just not going to happen no way no how, but it really doesn't help him out the same way.  Ugh, I need coffee, lots and lots of coffee when the wee one is snuffling.  Well, back to what I should really be doing- homework!  I love procrastination :-)

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