Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hump Day, We Meet Again....

Why do people insist they have the BEST in-laws who they love love LOVE......  It pisses me off, I guess I'm just bitter but UGH!  Please stop coming over, please stop calling, take a hint lady!  You know how you get pissed because you think everyone is out to get you?  Stop being so paranoid and maybe people will want to spend a little time with you.  On a happier note I found a recipe for the BEST whole wheat yogurt and blueberry muffins... They are super healthy, challenge friendly, and best of all I don't have to share because big C hates blueberries!  I do share with lil C though, he is my sidekick, it's me and him against the world, gotta share a few bites with him right :-)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(Insert witty title here)

Not much going on today.  C. REFUSED to be put into his stroller so no walk for us this morning, plus I have M. today so no walk this afternoon either....  I did manage to Zumba for awhile but it is a little difficult with a toddler hanging from your legs.  I hope C. starts feeling better soon because all this nose wiping is driving a wedge into our relationship.  As soon as a tissue appears screams of "nonono mama nooooooooo" precedes him wiping snot on ANYTHING but the tissue... his arm, my leg, the couch, etc.  Oh my do I love that little bugger.  Colds also bring out C's mortal enemy, his penguin nebulizer.    C. has asthma which is generally under control unless he gets sick.  Boy oh boy do we look forward to holding him down every 4 hours to force a treatment on him as he screeeeaaaaaams, I promise it is for your own good, breathing is really not a choice son.  We have an emergency inhaler for when the nebs are just not going to happen no way no how, but it really doesn't help him out the same way.  Ugh, I need coffee, lots and lots of coffee when the wee one is snuffling.  Well, back to what I should really be doing- homework!  I love procrastination :-)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, we meet again...

Why do weird things always happen to me on the day I hate the most?  This morning I was out for my morning walk when some dude in the neighborhood next to ours starts some small talk.  I.hate.smalltalk.  I.hate.strangers.  Sorry people, I feel awkward in situations like these.  Especially when I'm attempting to burn some calories and get my sweat on.  I waved and said good morning, why can't that be enough for you?  It's your fault if I was rude, I made many attempts to leave the conversation gracefully and you continued to talk, even when i was a BLOCK away.  Oh my.  Anyways.  So me and lil C. are both sick, thanks unnamed little girl who insisted on licking my son's sippy cup at playgroup last week.  Just head colds but it's makes life suck a little more.  Especially Mondays when you are approached by strangers asking if you got married before you had that baby.  Sorry, still bitter.  Then M's mom, texts me she needs me to keep her longer today (I babysit a few times a week)... love that girl but I feel like shit, still haven't payed me for last week either..... but I'm a sucker so of course I say yes.  On a totally different note me and big C. have decided to stop trying for a second baby right now.  It took much longer than originally planned (like you can actually plan these things, right?) so now because of school obligations we will have to wait until I am finished with this program.  Why oh why did I think I was smart enough to change careers and get a masters?  I hate that lil C. will be so much older than any siblings but I think this will also be better for him, he gets all of our attention now and will for a little longer.  He already has to share Mommy with school and Daddy with work, I don't think he would appreciate a baby in the picture too.  Well I must finish studying for my quiz tonight before M. shows up.  Maybe I'll make some muffins with the kiddos this afternoon, found a great whole wheat and oat blueberry recipe I'm dying to try.  Loving this 4 week challenge!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just what the Dr. ordered.....

What a weekend!  Saturday C. stayed with his Grandman and Nini because me and big C. had a huge day.  My brother and 3 cousins have been raising money for an event that is near and dear to our hearts, Saint Baldricks!  For those who aren't familiar the proceeds go directly to research for finding a cure for childhood cancers.  My brother in law was diagnosed with leukemia while in 9th grade (when he and my sister first began dating) and passed away at the young age of 23, he and my sister had only been married for 2 years.  Every year my family does this event in Raleigh, and next year it will be my turn!  From now until next March I will grow my hair out and it will be shaved (the hair donated to locks of love) for the children!  After we left the venue we ate a late lunch at Mellow Mushroom then scooted across Raleigh to pick up our new washer and dryer.  Then we headed back to my sister's house to celebrate my brother A.'s birthday (which actually isn't until tomorrow but oh well).  Then me and C came home for some much needed baby-free sleep!!!  Kinda sad that we "slept in" until 730...  In challenge news it is the official half-way point!  I have lost 5 lbs already, which I am totally happy with!  There will be a few giveaways this week so keep your fingers crossed for me, I have worked my butt off!  Well I must go bath the stinky one, little boys sure do get dirty!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Today was great, we had my sister and her girls over to play and had an amazing time.  R. is staying the night, hopefully her and C. will sleep good tonight!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh hump day.....

Well, yesterday sucked!  I didn't exercise for the second day in a row, it is hard for me when the weather is so yucky.  I made up for it today with an INTENSE walk with C.  I also managed to burn the Zumba movies I've been doing so hopefully that will be more motivation to do that when I can't walk.  Today I started out bad with intentionally loosing a point because I was uber-craving raisin bran.... of all things to lose a sugar point to, right?  I knew I would lose it tonight anyways though because it is girl's night and we go for Mexican, and they have white flour tortillas sooooooo i would have lost that point anyways.  Bad excuse but what the hell.  The other thing I need to work on is my random act of kindnesses.  I am kind of at a loss!  Well, I must finish some work before my lovely "stories" come on!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Bloody Monday.....

Well another week has started.... Today we will be stuck inside for most the day yet again... All day yesterday was pouring rain and today it is FREEZING cold.  At least it is sunny, we bundled up and played out for a lil this morning, hopefully later it will be warm enough to go for a lil walk.  My terrible headache is back, WHAT could it be????  Trying a new recipe tonight, hopefully it gets better reviews than the taco pie I made last night.  I also made some no bake peanut butter balls.  They are super delicious!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 1 = SUCCESS!

I posted my official points for my first week of 4 week challenge and......(drum-roll please)..... 69/70 points!  I want to go for the perfect score this week but it will be difficult with plans to go out Friday and Saturday.  I spent some time planning meals and looking at labels and think the SF eating will be a little easier this week.  Also, working out isn't AS bad as it was before.  Last night I jumped on the trampoline until I couldn't move!  Today is rainy and yucky so looks like a zumba afternoon.  I am feeling really good and fitting into my clothes a little better, this is an awesome challenge and hopefully I can carry over some of the changes I have made after it is over.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Well, lost a point for sugar today :-(  We went over to C's dad's house to play and eat and had white spagetti and bread... oh well, still did great this week, hopefully C will sleep in tomorrow!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Today I was 10/10 on my challenge!  There is also going to be a giveaway this week that I would really love to win, keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Check-In

So I forgot to post Tuesday's post until now, and I didn't write at all yesterday, but I'm still doing pretty good on my challenge.  So far the hardest thing is to exercise for 45 min/day.  I like to take C for walks but he won't sit in his stroller for the whole time limit.  I also like doing fitness videos but once again C. gets bored and grabs onto my legs and whines until I give up.  Today is my "free" day.  I have been pretty bad so far, eating Sonic for lunch and having pizza for dinner, hopefully this won't set me back.  I still plan to reach all my other goals.  I have already lost 3 lbs!  Unfortunately I have been battling a headache and fatigue, still might attribute that to sugar withdrawal???  Well, until tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

Today is Valentines Day.... and I'm sugar free.....  This morning I was really proud of myself, C. had a party with his playgroup friends and there was DELICIOUS JUNK FOOD EVERYWHERE. And I didn't touch it.  I just chugged my water bottle and lived vicariously through my son, feeding him more sugar than his little body can handle.  For the party I made a sugar-free banana bread which turned out AMAZING, the preggo moms in the group agree, and who wants to argue with a pregnant chick on Valentines Day.  This challenge is so far so good.  I keep telling myself I get a free day, can't wait!

Monday, February 13, 2012


So I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure my body is punishing me for years of sugar abuse.  I have felt tired and had a pounding headache all day.  Sugar withdrawal? I think so...  On a happier note I still managed to go 10/10 today.  I tried 2 new recipes: the  SF banana bread is amazing, C. agrees.  The vegetarian chili... not so much.  Big C made himself sandwiches instead of eating it, lol.  Better luck tomorrow!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

4 Week Challenge: Day 1

I signed up for a mini challenge at and today was the official kick-off.  One of the requirements is that I journal daily so here goes nothing.  After finishing posting this I will have earned all 10 points for today.  If you aren't familiar with this challenge you owe it to yourself to check it out.  I have had terrible luck with dieting in the past, but this isn't exactly a diet, and I really think I can do this!  I'm not setting out to lose weight, just feel better about myself in general, any weight lost will be a bonus.  Well, that's all I got for now!